2009 m. gruodžio 3 d., ketvirtadienis

End of term self assessment

Writing a summary
This term there were less summary writtings than previous one. Despite this fact, I believe, that my performance was quite good at this field. What is more, I did a big progress in English. Reading English texts that are related to psychology helps me to improve my skills in writing, reading and understanding.

Performance in ESP vocabulary tests
Tests were pretty hard this term. Requirements were changed and it was hard to get used to that. On the other hand, tests showed my lavel on the ESP. That is very important.

Performance in class dictations
It is realy hard for me. Fast speed and little experience were the main retardations that troubled my performance in this range.

Listening practice in class
Listening is a very important for students. It gives us practice to understand and to listen to foreigners. I have noticed that speed of listening practices were slower. This fact conditioned better results for me.

Listening to peers’ Power Point presentations
It is my favourite part in English lectures. Presentations give us a lot of experience of listening, understanding and discussions. The most part of presentatios are really informative. It is interesting for me all the time.

Making Power Point presentation
Making power point presentations is the best way to explore a theme. I made presentation about adolescence. In this way I understood this theme deeply and clearly.

Short talks on ESP themes in class
Talking themes are always interesting. Surching for information and discussing about that is a big advantage and improvement of our knowledge.