2008 m. gruodžio 11 d., ketvirtadienis

Self-assessment of success in learning ESP

Writing a summary
In my opinion, I am not very strong in writing. The main reason is distraction and incorrect word order in the sentences. These factors make a lot of mistakes in my writings, so I should pay more attention to my writing skills and study hard. My purpose is to learn accurate, brief and clear writing.

Writing comprehension tests on modules in psychology
I am a little bit disappointed with my results of tests. It might be due to not to be able to learn deffinitions by heart or lack of time for my ESP learning. All in all, I will try to do my best in the future.

Making power point presentations
That was my favourite task. I beleve, that I was in luck of making presentation at home and in class too. My subject was very interesting for me so that I tried to find a lot of information. Good preparation and speaking on spot brought me a success.

Impromptu speaking in class
I am glad to say, that I am quite sure about my speaking skills. I beleve, that I have quite wide dictionary and my oppinion is understandable and clear. Futhermore, I like to speak and discuss in varios subjects because I think it helps to find the truth.

Performance in listening practice
In spite that I do not know my marks for listening test it is truly hard to write about the level of listening. Nevertheless, I think that my listening skills are medium. It is because sometimes I do not hear or know the meaning of the words. In the other hand, it is not a problem, I just need more practice like watching BBC or films in natural English.

Writing contributions to e-portfolio (weblog)
As I have mentioned before, my writing skills are quite poor, so contributions are not brilliant too. The reasons are the same (distraction and incorrect word order in the sentences) and I have to do a big work to cope with this problem.

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