2008 m. lapkričio 25 d., antradienis

How to Learn ESP

ESP means English for Special Purposes. In case we try to learn ESP, we have to find the most effective ways of learning it. There are couple of methods to improve it.

First of all, learning courses in English and other classes are quite similar. In this way, we learn new words and phrases in Lithuanian and in English later. It helps to remember a meaning of some conceptions. Moreover, remembering the spelling of new and difficult words is very important too. Writing these new words on the sheets of the paper and put them everywhere is the best way to learn the spelling.

Reading more quickly and writing more accurately is also very important for a learner. Constant repetition can help avoiding mistakes in this area only. One famous person has said that the repetition is a mother of all sciences. I believe, that these words really suit for learning ESP.

There are two more important fields of learning ESP: improving pronunciation and getting more speaking practice. In my opinion, the only one way is to learn it: you have to find a person who understands ESP more than you and ask him or her for help. Talking and hearing will help you to understand the subtlety of ESP.

In conclusion, learning ESP is very important for our future profession and we have to learn it as good as it possible.

2008 m. lapkričio 11 d., antradienis

Psychology of Kleptomania

Kleptomania is the condition of not being able to resist the urge to steal. People with this disorder are compelled to steal things, generally things of little or no value. The worst is that some of them do not recognize that they have committed the theft.

Kleptomania was first officially recognized in the US as a mental disorder in the 1960s. Kleptomania is distinguished from shoplifting or ordinary theft, as shoplifters and thieves generally steal for monetary value while people with kleptomania are not necessarily contemplating the value of the items they steal or even the theft until they are compelled.

This disorder usually begins during puberty and usually lasts until late adulthood. In some cases, the disorder may never stop and lasts through the all person's life. Kleptomania is caused by brain’s injury or poisoning. It is believed, that kleptomania is addictive or mood disorder.

Nowadays, people have treatment for this illness. There are several types of treatment. First one it is treatment by medicine. In some places drugs such as Prozac and Seroxat are using. Other way to cure kleptomania it is by using hypnosis or special course of psychology showing.

In conclusion, I would like to say that kleptomania is serious disorder which causes funny or dangerous situations.


Psychology of Shopping

Psychology of shopping and consumers becomes more and more popular today. Why people talk about it? Can this simple activity be so important for people’s consciousness and subconsciousness?

Nowadays many scientist investigate the point of shopping and all of them have plenty to say about consumer culture. The worst thing is that this occupation is not so inoffensive. One of examples could be that shopping is addictive. It is believed, that experiences undermining basic psychological needs lead to a ''materialistic value orientation''. So if you buy Prada it does not mean that you like expensive stuff, it can show that you are materialist and it is an illness.

There are some reasons for this occurrence. For example, people think, that it is the way in which people attempt to compensate for worries and doubts about their self-worth, their ability to cope effectively with challenges and their safety in a relatively unpredictable world. Moreover, the reasons of morbid consumption can be depression and anxiety too.

Has this occurrence treatment? Yes, it has. First of all, person who has unhealthy desire to buy something has to change his thinking. It is needed serious psychological assistance, sometimes even medicaments.

In conclusion, I would like to say, that shopping is serious occupation and we have to watch it responsibly and never follow the rule ‘’Shop till you drop’’.


2008 m. lapkričio 6 d., ketvirtadienis


Robert S. Feldman in his student book ''Understanding psychology'' presents ''Introduction to Psychology'' in three modules.

In the first module the author introduces to psychology as a science. He shows that psychology has a lot of subfields such as a cognitive, school, behavior psychology, etc. What is more, he presents spheres where psychologists can work such as teaching and consulting.

Second module is about the history of psychology. R. S. Feldman claims when psychology has started and how it has developed during ages. Futhermore, author pays an attention to today's psychology perspectives as a changeble and broaden constantly.

The last module of chapter 1 is about the main issues of psychology. Author analyses how culture, social role, race influences behavior of people. There is also a field about how to be good and professional psychologist.

In conclusion, R. S. Feldman introduces students to the science of psychology. The author represents fields, history of psychology which are very important in a process of becoming professional psychologist.