2008 m. lapkričio 6 d., ketvirtadienis


Robert S. Feldman in his student book ''Understanding psychology'' presents ''Introduction to Psychology'' in three modules.

In the first module the author introduces to psychology as a science. He shows that psychology has a lot of subfields such as a cognitive, school, behavior psychology, etc. What is more, he presents spheres where psychologists can work such as teaching and consulting.

Second module is about the history of psychology. R. S. Feldman claims when psychology has started and how it has developed during ages. Futhermore, author pays an attention to today's psychology perspectives as a changeble and broaden constantly.

The last module of chapter 1 is about the main issues of psychology. Author analyses how culture, social role, race influences behavior of people. There is also a field about how to be good and professional psychologist.

In conclusion, R. S. Feldman introduces students to the science of psychology. The author represents fields, history of psychology which are very important in a process of becoming professional psychologist.

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