2008 m. lapkričio 11 d., antradienis

Psychology of Shopping

Psychology of shopping and consumers becomes more and more popular today. Why people talk about it? Can this simple activity be so important for people’s consciousness and subconsciousness?

Nowadays many scientist investigate the point of shopping and all of them have plenty to say about consumer culture. The worst thing is that this occupation is not so inoffensive. One of examples could be that shopping is addictive. It is believed, that experiences undermining basic psychological needs lead to a ''materialistic value orientation''. So if you buy Prada it does not mean that you like expensive stuff, it can show that you are materialist and it is an illness.

There are some reasons for this occurrence. For example, people think, that it is the way in which people attempt to compensate for worries and doubts about their self-worth, their ability to cope effectively with challenges and their safety in a relatively unpredictable world. Moreover, the reasons of morbid consumption can be depression and anxiety too.

Has this occurrence treatment? Yes, it has. First of all, person who has unhealthy desire to buy something has to change his thinking. It is needed serious psychological assistance, sometimes even medicaments.

In conclusion, I would like to say, that shopping is serious occupation and we have to watch it responsibly and never follow the rule ‘’Shop till you drop’’.


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