2009 m. gegužės 14 d., ketvirtadienis

Average happiness

New age reveal new problems and ideas which are reflect our life. One of these ideas is average happiness. Try to explore this field.

I believe, that satisfaction of life depends on three main points which are essential to maintain person’s self – esteem. These three things are family life, social position and personality.

According to Ruut Veenhoven survey on the happiness level Lithuanian tend to be disappointed with their life while Danes are the leaders in this scale. Let’s see why.

First of all, lots of Lithuanians’ families are divorced while in Denmark families are supported by the government. In Lithuania families are supported too but the family in Lithuania is not a value.

Secondly, Lithuanians’ social position is week in many cases. Lots of people earn minimum and they are forced to go abroad to survive. What is more, the government pays small social allowances. In fact, our country is poor and this increases disappointment of people. Meanwhile, Denmark is a richer country and people are more encouraged in moral and financial aspects.

Finally, family and social position predeterminate personality. Favorable living conditions create more developed and self – confident personality. So that is why people in Lithuania are not so self – esteemed as ones in Denmark.

In conclusion, the satisfaction depends on how the basic needs of people fulfilled are. If people gave no chance to fulfill these aspects then they have straight way to the average happiness.

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