2009 m. gegužės 14 d., ketvirtadienis

Professor Richard Wiseman

Richard Wiseman is a famous scientist of psychology. He works at University of Hertfordshire in Britain. R. Wiseman researches unusual areas of psychology such as deception, luck and the paranormal. His books and researches are well criticized. Some of these performances have been awarded.

I would like to talk about R. Wiseman’s experiments and the blog where everybody can find his every day entrances. His experiments are unusual and new for the classical psychology. This fact makes science of psychology more attractive and understandable for every human being. In his blog everybody can find various tasks which help to check quick eye, gumption or capability to think logically. I believe that R. Wiseman’s researches open new area of such a young science as psychology.

In conclusion, through Professor R. Wiseman’s work science of psychology meets a new age of its evolution and this will bear fruits.

R. Wiseman's blog:

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